More than 15 Marketplace

Marketplaces Integration With Diamonds ERP Software

Streamline your diamond business with DiamX Pro. Upload diamonds to 15+ Marketplace in one click. Discover the power of centralized management today!

Diamx Pro integration platforms

System Integration in DiamX PRO

The integration of diamond and jewellery business processes in DiamX PRO encompasses a wide range of techniques and practices. These may include the consolidation of various web portals, e-commerce platforms, and online trading websites, as well as the cohesive alignment of different business units within both small and large corporations. Through such integration, organizations can effectively streamline their daily operations, reduce operational costs, and enhance their decision-making processes.
Furthermore, the process of integration can yield valuable insights into areas, volumes, central locations, and other pertinent information.
Implementing business integration solutions in DiamX PRO helps to speed up Diamond and jewellery trading processes that employees perform manually and significantly reduces the risks of employee error. It can also improve overall employee efficiency, which reduces operating costs.
With DiamX PRO, Business process integration allows your employees to access predefined actions in near real time based on specific business events. This helps employees act more decisively, confidently, and quickly, and, ultimately, it empowers them to be more successful.


The main purpose of integration in DiamX PRO:

An integral is a function that represents the derivative of a given function. Integration is used to find two-dimensional areas and three-dimensional volumes. When finding the integral of a function with respect to x, involves determining the area below the curve and above the x-axis.
Integrations with DiamX PRO involve integrating disparate systems, processes, and data sources to create a unified and interconnected ecosystem through FTP or API that fosters agility and alignment in achieving organizational goals.

A simple example of Business integration in DiamX PRO:

As one simple example, company A places an order with company B. Company B completes and ships the order to Company A using the services of Company C. Company B updates Company A on the status of the order, and Company A can track the location and status of the delivery through Company C.
What is B2B integration? Business-to-business (B2B) integration is the automation of business processes and communication between two or more organizations. It allows them to work and trade more effectively with their customers, suppliers and business partners by automating key business processes.


How integration works in DiamX PRO:

Let’s explore how easy it is to integrate DiamX PRO.
DiamX PRO offers hassle-free integration capabilities to help you connect your business with your associates. You can directly link your stocks to third-party portals using Data Integration methods such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or API (Application Programming Interface). You just need to provide us with the credentials (furnished by your 3rd party) for these methods so that DiamX PRO can access the data.
Once you have provided these details, your stocks in the system will be connected to the portal, allowing your stocks to be viewed. This method can also be done vice versa, you can get their stocks into your DiamX PRO system.
Integrations can be done for auto-emailing and auto-reporting. Almost all the labs are already integrated into the System to fetch the stone data into the system.


What Our Customers Are Saying

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Transform Your Diamond and Jewelry Business Today!

Experience the power of seamless marketplace integration with DiamX Pro. Contact us now to schedule a demo and see how our Diamonds ERP Software can elevate your business.

What marketplaces does DiamX Pro integrate with?
DiamX Pro integrates with over 15 leading marketplaces, including Repent, Nivoda, VDB, Diamonds on Call, Index, and LGDEAL.
How easy is it to upload my inventory to multiple marketplaces?
With DiamX Pro, you can upload your inventory to all connected marketplaces with just one click
Can I track my sales performance across different marketplaces?
Yes, DiamX Pro provides comprehensive sales analytics to help you track and optimize your performance across all platforms.
Can DiamX Pro handle large inventories?
Yes, DiamX Pro is scalable and can manage inventories of any size.

Plans For Everyone

Choose from our flexible and affordable pricing plans, designed to cater to the needs of individuals and businesses of all sizes, ensuring accessibility and value for everyone.

Regular Plan
$ 29 / Per Month

Basic features for up to 40 users.

Standard Plan
$ 199 / Per Month

Basic features for up to 40 users.

Golden Plan
$ 1099 / Per Month

Basic features for up to 40 users.

Golden Plan
$ 1099 / Per year

Basic features for up to 40 users.

Standard Plan
$ 199 / Per year

Basic features for up to 40 users.

Regular Plan
$ 29 / Per year

Basic features for up to 40 users.

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